Condominium Management
Management of condominium properties requires unique management skills, requiring diplomacy, patience, and the ability to multi-task to multiple owners in a fast-paced environment. With a dedicated management team assigned to each property, consisting of a property manager, property administrator and property accountant, the Novacorp team, reporting to the Board of Directors, coordinates day-to-day operations at the properties including:
- Marketing and leasing
- Managing tenant relations
- Coordination of repairs and maintenance
- Coordination of service contracts
- Attendance at Board meetings
- Project management of capital improvements
- Financing and mortgage renewal assistance
Our team is well versed in the operational requirements of each Corporation as set out in the Declaration and Bylaws as well as requirements of the Nova Scotia Condominium Act and related legislation. As a member firm of the Canadian Condominium Institute (NovaScotia Chapter), Novacorp is current on industry trends and practices.
In addition, Novacorp assists Developers in the start-up of new Corporations, compilation of Bylaws, operating budgets, etc., prior to pre-sale marketing activities, and acts as interim property manager during that crucial period between first occupancy and registration of the Condominium Corporation.